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    Archive for February, 2018

    Why You Shouldn’t Choose Your Own Songs for Learning English

    Most English songs are not good for learning English.  I’m a native speaker of American English and I can’t understand a lot of the words in most popular “Top 40” songs.

    The current style in American popular music is to sing (and often yell) in a way that can’t be


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    Objections to Learning English with Songs

    Not every English teacher recommends learning English with songs. In fact some teachers think it’s a bad idea. If you want to learn English with songs, it’s very important to know what they don’t like about learning English with songs.


    Why Prime Ministers Learn English With Songs

    In December of 2010, Prime Minister of Russia, Vladamir Putin was learning English. As you might expect, he had the best teachers in the world.

    They had him learn a lot of songs in English as part of his English learning program. Note that they had him learn this American classic song from the 1930’s called Blueberry Hill and probably a lot of other classic clear songs.

    Now he speaks English well enough to do occasional interviews in English.

    So if Prime Ministers learn English by using songs, shouldn’t you?

    A Complete Course for Learning English With Songs

    I have traveled to many different countries where English is not the native language.  I always would meet people who spoke English and I asked everyone this question.

    “How did you learn English?”
