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    Archive for June, 2013

    Why Germans Don’t Drink Tap Water

    When you go to a restaurant in Germany, a waiter will NOT bring you a complimentary glass of water. In fact, it’s almost impossible to get a glass of tap water in a German restaurant even if you ask for it.

    Now the tap water in Germany is generally safe to drink — but Germans usually don’t drink it, and the restaurants definitely won’t serve you a free glass of German water.


    The German Word for Kind

    Before you start studying foreign languages, you tend to think that every language has a way of saying the things that you currently say in your language. However this really isn’t true. What you will find when you learn another language Like German, is that it has ways of saying some things that simply cannot be expressed in English, and also that it lacks ways of saying things that we commonly say in English.

    This affects how people actually behave. If you have a word for something, you can encourage it, promote it, and even write songs about it. You see, words are tools that we use for thinking, just like a hammers are tools that we use for pounding nails. If your language lacks a word for something, it is very hard to make that thing a big part of your life.

    So what is the German word for kind, as in “Be kind to him”? Well there really isn’t one. (more…)

    Why You Should Learn German

    German is very important language. Obviously you are interested in learning German or you wouldn’t be looking at this web page, but here are some great reasons for learning German. Of course not all these reasons my apply to you, but remember the best reason for learning a language is your reason.

    1. Your family was from Germany. Germans made up the largest group of immigrants to the United States, and it’s great to get in touch with your past.

    When Should I Say Möchte, Würde or Hätte?

    The English sentence “I’d like some tea” can be translated into German in three different ways:

    1. Ich möchte etwas Tee. (I want something tea – I want some tea, please.)

    2. Ich würde gern etwas Tee haben. (I would like something tea have – I would like some tea, please.)

    3. Ich hätte gern etwas Tee. (I would-have like something tea – I would like some tea, please.)

    These sentences essentially all mean the same – somebody would love some tea and is asking for it. The difference between the three ways to say it – the difference between “möchte” (1), “würde” (2) and “hätte” (3) – is the following: (more…)

    How to Fahrt in German

    If you’ve ever been on a German Autobahn, you’ve seen this sign:

    To English speakers it is a funny word that sounds a lot like the English word fart.

    Now…what exactly does the German word “Ausfahrt” have to do with the English meaning of “fart”?

    To be exact … nothing.

    However it has everything to do with the German love for making new words by simply putting together existing words. (more…)

    German Vowels

    Do you realize that whenever you say “a,“ “o,“ “u,” and “i,“ you actually make two sounds, not just one? Say “a” out loud; you just said “aa-eeh.” Try the same with “o” (“aw-ooh”) or “u” (“y-ooh”). English vowels are diphthongs.

    In German, however, vowels do not consist of diphthongs; they are “pure.” Whenever you try to pronounce German words, then, be careful to pronounce all vowels “the German way.”

    The German alphabet, just like the English, has five main vowels: a, e, i, o, u. In addition, there are so called “umlaute”: ä, ö, and ü. Also, these vowels can be paired to form different sounds—just like in English: “boat” makes a different sound than “boot.”

    Now before you start looking at the pronunciation of the various vowels and possibly go nuts trying to memorize it all, relax. You will learn how to pronounce German the right way by closely listening to the audio clips in the lessons, not by worrying about every individual sound described here. The purpose of this article is to help you figure out how to form the sounds with your tongue, mouth, and lips when you don’t have a clue why you just can’t say it the way it sounds in the recording. Ok? Let’s go, then!

    Let’s first take a look at the main vowels:

    “a” – almost sounds like the “u” in “but,” just a little brighter. It’s an open sound, which means you must drop your jaw to make it. The tongue touches the back of the lower teeth. It might help to think of the Southern way of saying “I.” Remember, though, it’s not a diphthong!!

    German Consonants

    Most of the consonants in the German alphabet are very much like their English counterparts. A few, though, have striking differences. Others have only very subtle differences, and these are the ones you will want to pay the closest attention to, since the proper pronunciation of these consonants will determine whether or not you have a strong accent.

    For the sake of your time, only the German consonants that are pronounced in a different way than in English are listed here. For all of the consonants you cannot find below, the German pronunciation does not differ from the English way of saying them.

    The German consonant “c” is pronounced in two different ways after vowels:

    (1) “c” – before “a”, “o”, and “u”: Pronounced like an English “k,” yet in the front of your mouth, not the back. You may not be able to tell the difference, but native speakers of English usually pronounce the “k” sound in the back of the mouth, (more…)