Parlez-vous français?
“No” is the most likely answer you’ll get to this question if you ask people off the street. If you’re living in an English-speaking country, Francophones are something of a novelty. The best thing to do is “parler francais” if you want to learn the lingo. I’m not suggesting standing in front of the mirror and having a lovely “conversation en français.” From experience, I know you can’t get very far. Your reflection won’t be too willing to correct your mistakes! I’m also not suggesting you ask for a baguette en français at your local Anglophone bakery. Everyone will stare at you with that “you-should-be-in-a-mental-asylum” look. But don’t worry; you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on a trip to France.
There’s a solution in your neighborhood—a place where you can “parler francais” freely as though you are in “l’hexagone.” Alliance Française is the world’s largest French language school. In addition to teaching français, this organization offers a variety of events where members can practice their French and learn about French culture. You will be surprised just how much you can learn at Alliance Française. (more…)