Learning a new language takes sustained work over a longer period of time. Here’s how I improved my Spanish a lot in the first three months of 2017. There are two common problems with people not achieving their language learning goals. One problem is that their methods don’t work. Indeed . . .
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When we started we did some of our first software development in Denmark. At that time we hoped to get our Danish lessons done quickly, but somehow we didn’t get them done. Finally, thanks to the excellent work done by our language lesson developer David Shoup, our Danish lessons . . .
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It’s the longest day of the year (June 21) in the Northern Hemisphere, and I am in Madrid, Spain, practicing my Spanish. The delightful thing is that I am having absolutely no trouble understanding the people from Madrid, and they seem to be able to understand me easily as well.
Read More . . . is extremely good at taking you from not knowing anything in your new language to being minimally conversant. What we don’t do is take you from being conversant to being fluent. Yabla just might get you to fluent. But Yabla definitely won’t get you fluent if you don’t follow . . .
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Lot’s of people try to learn English or other languages with movies, but it usually doesn’t help much. In this post we introduce you to a very successful method for learning Spanish, English (or your favorite language) with movies. The original 36-minute video we are summarizing here has more than a million . . .
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Is it possible to quickly learn and effortlessly remember new Spanish words or any other language’s words and phrases? The short answer is both yes and no. For a few people who learn how to retain words and language (sounds) by using their visual memory (pictures), this will seem like a miracle. They . . .
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January 9, 2015: Experts say that it takes 30 days to make a new habit. So if your plans for 2015 involve learning a new language—if you can study at least five days per week at the same time and place every day—you will form a new language-learning habit, and it . . .
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