Spanish Days of the Week

At the top of this page is a tool for learning the Spanish days of the week. Dias de la semana.  Then there is a table of the days of the week and at the bottom are some hints that may help you remember them.

Learn the Days of the Week in Spanish


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Memory Tips for Learning the Spanish Days of the Week

The tips below will help some people cramming for a quiz. These tips relate things that you may already know to the Spanish days of the week that you need to learn.

I’ve divided these tips into five planet names and two religious names. Okay I know that the moon isn’t really a planet.

Monday > lunes

Let’s start with Monday since people usually recite the Spanish days of the week starting with lunes. You know that when the moon has an eclipse it’s called a lunar eclipse and the name for Monday in Spanish in lunes.

Note that Spanish days of the week are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence.

Tuesday > martes

Next is Tuesday and this day of the week is named after the planet Mars. Of course, you know that if NASA ever finds little green men living on Mars we will call them Martians and the Spanish name for Tuesday is martes.

Wednesday > miércoles

In the middle of the week, we have Wednesday which is miércoles in Spanish and as you might have guessed it’s the planet Mercury’s day. Have you ever known someone with a mercurial (unpredictable) temperament? They are acting as the god Mercury was thought to act and the Spanish word for Wednesday is miércoles.

Thursday > jueves

On Thursday in Spanish it’s the planet Jupiter’s day. In English, the word Jupiter doesn’t sound much like jueves in Spanish but they both start with the letter j and that may help you remember jueves.

Friday > viernes

On Friday, it’s the day of the planet Venus which sounds a little bit like the Spanish word viernes.

Saturday > sábado

This word may be easier for you to remember if you know that in the Jewish religion and some Christian religions that Saturday is the Sabbath, so Saturday in Spanish is sábado.

Sunday > domingo

The last day of the week that you will need to remember is the Spanish word for Sunday. For most of the last 2,000 years, dates after the birth of Christ in Christian dominated countries have been written like this 1776 AD.

So does AD mean “after the death of Christ?” No, remember it’s counting from the birth of Christ, not his death. So AD is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase Anno Domini which translates to, “In the year of our Lord.”

So when you need to remember the Spanish word for Sunday, remember that in the Roman Catholic religion (which dominates Spanish culture) that Sunday is the Lord’s day so Sunday is domingo.

An Example Conversation

Spanish: ¡Tenemos que vernos!
English: We have to meet!

Spanish: ¿Tú cuando puedes?
English: When could we meet? (informal)

Spanish: Yo puedo el viernes.
English: Friday is okay.

Spanish: El viernes no puedo.
English: I´ll be busy on Friday.

Spanish: ¿Que tal el jueves?
English: What about Thursday?

Spanish: Está perfecto.
English: It´s perfect.

Spanish: El jueves nos vemos.
English: We´ll meet on Thursday.

Spanish: ¡Hasta entonces!
English: See you then!

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Please Leave Your Suggestions Below

I know that some of you have other wonderful suggestions on how to learn the Spanish days of the week. Please leave your suggestions below so that other people can benefit.

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    This helped me out. Thanks.

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    tyler boese

    Try changing your computer to Spanish from English.
    That helps a lot!

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