Take the 30-Day Language Learning Challenge!
Are you traveling to another country this summer? If so, you’ll have a LOT more fun if you learn to speak a little bit of the language.
What Can You Learn in 30 Days?
Thirty days is not enough to take you from knowing nothing to being conversational. But you may already know some of the language, and even if you are a complete beginner, 30 days IS enough time to learn how to be disarming, plus learn greetings and travel phrases that will make your trip much more fun.
Compliments Will Get You Everywhere!
Obviously, you like the country you plan to travel to, so why not learn to say that in the country’s language! We teach you that right away.
Start Learning Right Now
Pick the language you want to learn from the list above, and try our free lesson right now. Then make the commitment right now to study for 30 minutes before noon and 30 minutes before 5:00 p.m. for the next 30 days. You’ll be amazed at how much you will learn.
If you really want to put your study in high gear, make sure you watch our video instructions too.