Your Goals

Who Do You Want To Become?

Your Personal Goals are designed to help you connect your development to the things that are most important to you in your career and life. Only you and your manager can see these, and only answer what you feel comfortable answering. Edit them anytime you like.

Professional goals

Examples: get a promotion, become #1 in the market, develop a new product, reach $100 million in sales

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Completed Goals

Physical goals

Examples: look and feel healthy, run a marathon, quit smoking, lose weight, drink less

Continue not drinking
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Visible to: my team leader
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Completed Goals

Continue not drinking

Emotional goals

Examples: buy my own home, be in a great relationship, take my spouse to Italy, try and listen more

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Completed Goals

Intellectual goals

Examples: go back to school, learn another language, read more

Improve my English to level C1
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Visible to: my team leader, everyone on my team, my partner
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Completed Goals

Improve my English to level C1

Spiritual goals

Examples: develop greater inner peace, learn to enjoy uncertainty, study Scripture

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Completed Goals

Psychological goals

Examples: strengthen my willpower, overcome my fear of flying, face my addiction

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Completed Goals

Material goals

Examples: get a new car, buy my dream watch, own a place by the beach

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Completed Goals

Financial goals

Examples: pay off credit card debt, start a college fund for my children, earn $250,000 a year, build a stock portfolio worth $1,000,000

Save $ 500 or more
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Visible to: everyone on my team
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Completed Goals

Save $ 500 or more

Creative goals

Examples: write a book, learn to play guitar, take a painting course, study photography

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Completed Goals

Adventure goals

Examples: visit the Great Wall of China, visit Australia, see your favorite band in concert, go skydiving, take an African safari

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Completed Goals

Legacy goals

Examples: raise my children to have a healthy sense of who they are, volunteer at my favorite charity, do my part to preserve the environment

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Completed Goals

Character goals

Examples: develop patience, do what I say I will do, be respected for being completely trustworthy

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Completed Goals

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