Speak in a Native Tongue…
And Have Incredibly Pleasant
Language Experiences!
Here at Language101.com we are known for making language learning practical… and for teaching you how to have what we call, “Incredibly Pleasant Language Experiences.”
Here’s why this is important…
Do you remember how it felt to be in love for the very first time? Maybe sort of tingly and warm inside? The idea here is to think about something that gives you the same feeling.
Well, that’s how good you can feel when you learn a new language and start practicing it while traveling or speaking with a friend from another country.
It may not happen automatically, but it’s easy to make it happen.
Try This Out When You Hear
Someone Speaking A Foreign Language
This will get you started. When you hear someone speaking a foreign language, the trick is to identify which language is being spoken in a disarming way.
Let’s say you are just beginning to learn Spanish and you’re looking for opportunities to interact with someone for whom Spanish is their native tongue. But as a beginner, you may not be able to tell the difference between Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian.
Problem solved! Here’s what you could say in English to start a conversation. “I love languages. Where are you from?”
If they respond in English that they are from Mexico, you switch to Spanish and say in Spanish, “I love Mexico.” Next you say in Spanish, “I want to learn Spanish.”
Naturally, it’s important to be sure you know what language they are speaking when you try this. You certainly don’t want to offend anyone you’re trying to make friends with!
and how to be disarming in your new language right away.”
Once you start interacting, there’s a good chance your new friend will have questions for you… so you’ll want to be prepared to add more compliments about their country.
For example, Russians will ask you why you want to learn Russian. In turn, you’ll want to say, in Russian, that you love Russian books, and music, and movies, etc., and you want to be able to appreciate them more.
On the other hand, French and Spanish speakers won’t always ask you why you are learning French or Spanish, since those languages are more commonly learned.
No matter the language, you’ll always want to be prepared to add more compliments.
When you compliment a person’s country, you’ll have more fun.
The last time our founder Brent was in Mexico, he was talking to a Mexican woman and her adult children. The woman asked him, “Why are you learning Spanish?” Brent replied in Spanish, “Because I want to talk with you.” They loved his answer, and they all proceeded to have a wonderful time together.
Here’s an important tip: Try to ask all the questions if you can. When you ask the questions, you automatically understand half of the conversation. When the person answers question, it will be a lot easier to understand their response.
The good news is that at Language101.com we teach you useful conversation phrases and questions right from the start.
Happiness Leads to Learning Success
Why does feeling good matter? Because when you make the person you are talking with feel good, you will feel good as a result. All those good feelings and experiences will help you stay committed to studying and learning more… making your language learning success virtually a cinch!
Consider the following…
Imagine that you’re traveling in a foreign country and you meet someone who only knows a few words of English. This is what they say to you: “Are you an American?” You say yes, and they say, “I love America!” And you can tell that they really do!
Even if this person doesn’t know any more words than just those, you still are going to have a much better time conversing with them because they uttered those words. So when you learn to say in another language, “I love your country,” wonderful things will most definitely happen to you.
Try Our Free Language Lesson and
Learn a Compliment Right Now
All of our language packages have compliments very close to the beginning of the program, and most of the free lessons below have the phrase, “I love your country” somewhere in them.
So… try a free lesson right now and start seeing how practical our approach really is, and how much fun learning a new language can be. We’re confident you’ll be as excited about learning a new language as we are providing the courses to you.
Click on the language you want to learn below to start your free lesson now.