iPhones, iPads and iPods are great, but they would be a lot better if Flash worked.
This WordPress plugin detects the iPhone, iPad, or iPod user agents and then displays a popup which asks users to politely ask Steve Jobs for Flash.
Flash content is about 75% of the audio and video on the web and a LOT of pages including our site for learning Spanish, French and other languages wont work without it.
See What This Looks Like
You can either set this popup to appear only on certain pages, or to only not display on certain pages. You can set a minimum delay time between displaying.
Screen Shots displaying both what the popup looks like and what the control panel looks like are below.
The Default Popup Text is Shown Below
Of course this can be customized to be anything you want it to be. However please be nice and don’t use this plugin to complain.
Dear iPhone, iPad and iPod User:
We know you love your “iDevice.” However this page requires Flash and your “iPhone, iPad or iPod doesn’t support Flash. The result is that you’re missing out on a lot of great web content, including this page!
Would you please do yourself and everyone who loves their iPhones, iPads and iPods a simple and important favor?
As you know, Steve Jobs has had some serious health challenges. In fact, he’s once again had to take medical leave from Apple. While we don’t know the extent of his current situation, he is in our prayers.
Would you consider writing him a letter or sending him a fax right now to wish him well, and thank him for creating the Apple products you love?
While you are at it, let’s all ask him to allow Flash to work on the iPhone, iPad and iPod devices. This page wouldn’t show up without it . . . and you’re missing out on thousands of pages of video and audio content as well.
We’re told that he only wants old fashioned letters and faxes, so here’s where to send or fax your letter:
Steve Jobs Fax # (408) 974-2483
Steve Jobs
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
If you’re out of stamps you can e-mail your letter to us at: steve@language101.com and we’ll print it out and mail it to Steve Jobs on your behalf.
You may also want to call Scott Forstall, Apple Senior Vice President for iPhone Software, and ask him to make Flash work on all iPhones, iPads and iPods. Please be nice when you call.
Apple’s phone number is: 408-996-1010
Other Uses for this Plugin
The Flash Pretty Please plugin can also be used for marketing to iPhone, iPad, or iPod customers. To do that simply put a custom iDevice web page in place of the pre-loaded text and select the pages you want this to appear on. iDevice users will then see the custom page while other users will get the regular page.